
Teacher of the Year


The purpose of the award is to recognize a Georgia educator for his/her excellent job in incorporating agriculture into the Georgia standards for teaching. Agriculture is an important part of life for all. Clothing, food, fuel, housing, medicine, and more are rooted in agriculture. Agricultural concepts can support the teaching of many academic disciplines as well as programs such as STEM, STEAM, and STREAM.

The deadline for submitting applications is May 16, 2025. The winner will win a trip to the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference in June 2026. Visit the National Agriculture in the Classroom website for more information about the conference.


Certified teachers currently engaged in integrating agricultural concepts into non-vocational agriculture classroom settings at the pre-K through 12th grade levels are eligible. (Note: High school/middle school/elementary school agriculture educators are not eligible for this award.)


The winning teacher will receive a $500 award and have up to $1,500 of their related expenses paid to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference June 2026. (This includes single air fare or mileage, hotel room, and conference registration as determined by the GFB AITC Coordinator.) Specific instructions and logistics will be provided upon winning the award. Note: Funds may only be used for allowable travel expenses incurred by recipient. They are not to be used to cover the costs of recipient’s guests to the conference.

The winning teacher will be invited to accept his/her award at the Georgia Farm Bureau Annual Meeting at Jekyll Island in December 2025. (One night’s lodging, one day per diem and travel expenses will be paid.) The winner will also be asked to present a workshop at the Women in Ag Summit (one day per diem and travel expenses will be paid).



Teachers must use and show evidence of the use of agricultural information and/or materials within the classroom curriculum in an effort to assist students in learning the importance of agriculture. Instruction may include but is not limited to the following.

  • understanding the importance and value of agriculture in students’ daily lives;
  • understanding the relationships among agriculture, food, and fiber production, animals, health, energysystems, technology, economics and the environment;
  • identifying and understanding the connections between academic content areas and agricultural careersinclude, but not limited to, STEM careers;
  • understanding the overall connectedness between STEM and agriculture.

Innovative, integrated, and interdisciplinary programs are encouraged. To earn this distinction, the selected applicant should include numerous, varied evidence of the teachers’ infusion of agricultural concepts throughout the curriculum and school year.



Unsuccessful nominees from previous years may be resubmitted. Prior winners of this award are ineligible for future awards under this program. 

Click here for more information

Reach out to your local Farm Bureau office if you are interested in applying. 


Congratulations to the 2024 GFB Ag Teacher of the Year, Erin Pringle.