
GFB Photo Contest winners capture beauty of farm life

Posted on September 6, 2020 12:00 AM

Agriculture provides endless opportunities for great photos as the 53 contestants who submitted 104 photos in the Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers 11th Annual Picture Agriculture in Georgia Contest proved.

Congratulations to Amber Smith of Screven County for winning the contest and $150 grand prize! Her photo “Pivot at Sunset,” will be featured on the cover of the 2021 GFB Young Farmers & Ranchers calendar available at most county Farm Bureau offices this fall.

The calendar also features the 11 honorable mention winners, who each received a $75 prize. The 16-member GFB YF&R Committee judged the submitted photos and narrowed them down to the top 12. From the  top 12, votes were cast to select the 2021 contest winner - a unanimous decision.

The YF&R Committee thanks all GFB members who entered the contest. The committee plans to hold the contest again next year. Look for contest details next spring on GFB social media and at county offices. If you’re interested in entering the 2021 contest, ask your county office to notify you when it receives contest details. 







First  Place

“Pivot at Sunset”

Amber Smith

Screven  County



Honorable Mentions







“Fast & Effective”

Cason Anderson

Houston County








“A Young Farmer Overseeing His Cattle”

Leighton  Cooley

Crawford  County








“Little Farm Chick”

Tara Green

Spalding  County










“Sunny Field”

Tara Green

Spalding  County







“Peepin’ into Spring”

Ariel Holland

Johnson County







“Harvest  Time”

Ariel Holland

Johnson County







“Crop Dustin’”

Amy Meeks

Coffee  County







“The Bean Flower”

Amy Meeks

Coffee  County






“Golden Harvest”

Amy Simpson

Greene County












“The Beginning”

Dawn Spradley

Crisp County








“Home Sweet Home”

Sandi  Williams

Monroe County


Georgia Farm Bureau YF&R Coordinator  Erin Nessmith may be reached at ennnessmith@gfb.org or  478-474-0679, ext.  5232 for more  information.  Contact your  county Farm Bureau if you’d like to get involved  with  your local YF&R  program.