
GFB looking for Georgia Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year

Posted on February 21, 2022 12:00 AM

By Lauren Goble

This Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) award recognizes a Georgia educator for his or her excellence in incorporating agriculture into

their lessons meeting Georgia standards curriculum. Agricultural concepts can support the teaching of many academic programs such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM); Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) & Science, Technology, Emotional learning, Art, Math (STREAM)

It’s important for students to understand how agriculture impacts their daily life. Many teachers in our state are integrating agriculture into their daily lessons. This award allows county Farm Bureaus to nominate a teacher who goes above and beyond to teach his or her students about Georgia agriculture. GFB looks forward to recognizing one of these teachers as the 2022 Georgia Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year.

• May 6 is deadline to submit applications. Winner receives a $500 cash award & a trip to the 2023 National Ag in the Classroom Conference.

• High school/middle school/elementary school ag teachers are not eligible for this award.

• Teacher should have a close partnership with their local Farm Bureau.

• If interested in applying please contact your local Farm Bureau office. Visit  www.gfb.ag/contact to reach your county Farm Bureau.


National AITC Conference

 June 28 -July 1/ Saratoga Springs, New York

•  Conference will be held in person

• Visit www.agclassroom.org/conference/ for more information/to register.

Douglas County teacher Natalie Murray was the 2021 GFB AITC Teacher of the Year. Visit https://gfb.ag/murray21aitcteacher to learn how the Mirror Lake Elementary music teacher teaches her students about agriculture while meeting curriculum standards.

Georgia Farm Bureau Educational Program Coordinator Lauren Goble may be reached at ldgoble@gfb.org or 478-474-0679, ext. 5135. Visit www.gfb.ag/AITC for the latest AITC  news & for resources to teach children how their food is grown.