
Ag-Tivities with Lauren: Pollinators

Posted on August 18, 2020 12:00 AM

Lauren Goble, Ag in the Classroom Coordinator


Pollinator facts:

  • 1 out of every 3 bites of food you eat is there because of pollinators 
  • In Georgia pollinators have an annual economic value of over $360 million dollars a year
  • Georgia has more than 500 native bee specie, the vast majority of which are solitary in nature
  • Bees, ants, wasps, moths, butterflies, flies, beetles are the most common pollinators, but did you know that that hummingbirds, perching birds, flying foxes, fruit bats, possums, lemurs and geckos are also pollinators?
  • Bees are attracted to purple and blue flowers. Butterflies are attracted to red, yellow, orange, pink and purple flowers. Hummingbirds are attracted to yellow, orange, pink and purple flowers, but they are attracted to red more than any other color.


Why are Pollinators important?

Pollinators are vitally important in ensuring that our number 1 industry, agriculture, continues to grow. On August 21-22 the University of Georgia Extension is conducting the 2nd Annual Great Georgia Pollinator Census. This family friendly 15-minute activity will get everyone outside counting pollinators and then reporting what was found. All the information about signing up for the census, how to report, pictures of pollinators you might see, etc. can be found at the Great Pollinator Census website


Check out these Pollinator activities

 Go Pollinate game, (similar to Go Fish)

pollinator and beneficial flower word search 

 pollinator coloring page  

 Honey, Peanut Butter and Yogurt Fruit Dip


Watch Pollinator Book Videos

Bea’s Bees 

What If There Were No Bees

The Thing About Bees

Flowers are Calling

The Reason for a Flower


Plant a Pollinator Garden

If you are wanting to have more outside time AND help the pollinators you and your family can plant a pollinator garden! UGA has compiled a sampling of plants that are attractive to pollinators and grow well in Georgia. These plant suggestions will have flowers blooming at your house from spring until the first frost. Don’t worry about needing a large space to have a garden, pots will work just fine! You can start the plants from seeds for a fun science project or take the family on a field trip to a local plant nursery to purchase the beneficial pollinator plants you want.  


I hope that you and your family will “bee” taking part in the Pollinator Census! Use #GaPollinators on social media to show what pollinators were found and how much fun was had!