Young Farmers & Ranchers Update Spring 2025
by Levi Davis
Posted on March 7, 2025 12:06 PM
Make plans to attend GFB YF&R Conference July 16-19 on Jekyll Island
Members of the 2025 YF&R Committee are from left: Bailey Rayfield, Cook Co., GFB Dist. 10; Tucker & Emily West, Taliaferro Co., GFB Dist. 4; Chelsea & J.T. Sumner, Thomas Co., GFB Dist. 9; Caitlyn & Christian Crispell, Tattnall Co., GFB Dist. 7; Vice Chairs Nicole & Cole Roper, Franklin Co., GFB Dist. 2; Luke Andrews & Committee Chair Allie Andrews, Lamar Co., GFB Dist. 5; Cam Floyd (Joni not pictured), Douglas Co., GFB Dist. 3; Lindsay & Statham Sapp, Wilcox Co., GFB Dist. 8; Sarah & Garrett Hurley, Chattooga Co., GFB Dist. 1; and Haley & Seth Scruggs, Bibb Co., GFB Dist. 6. / Photo by Jay Stone
April 30: Deadline to register for Excellence in Ag Award
June 1: Deadline to register for conference & to enter the Discussion Meet
June 13: Deadline to enterYF&R Photo Contest
This will be an exciting year for participants in Georgia Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) Programs! YF&R opportunities are open to any Farm Bureau member ages 18-35 interested in agriculture. Our program is open to all in this age group who work in any agricultural sector – farming, ranching, ag lenders, ag teachers, ag product representatives, ag marketers, etc. College students who are enthusiastic about farming are also welcome.
GFB will hold its annual YF&R Summer Conference July 16-19 on Jekyll Island. This event is a great way for young people who love agriculture to network with other agriculturalists, sharpen their leadership skills, hear updates on current ag issues and learn more about Farm Bureau while having fun. The conference is kid friendly.
GFB’s YF&R program offers the GFB Excellence in Agriculture Award and GFB Discussion Meet. The Excellence in Agriculture Award honors YF&R members who earn most of their income off the farm but are ag advocates. The Discussion Meet simulates a meeting where participants talk about current ag issues and explore possible solutions.
GFB encourages existing and potential YF&R members to apply for these awards and to participate in our YF&R activities. Award winners will be announced at the summer conference. State winners will represent GFB at the 2026 American Farm Bureau Convention next January in Anaheim, California.
County Farm Bureau offices received information about the Excellence in Agriculture Award in early March. They will receive information about registering for the conference and entering the Discussion Meet in April.
Contact your GFB district federation manager or your county Farm Bureau office to for information to apply for the Excellence in Ag Award or to enter the Discussion Meet and photo contest or to register for the conference. Visit to find your county Farm Bureau’s contact information.
Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Coordinator Levi Davis may be reached at or 478-474-0679, ext. 5233 for more information. Contact your county Farm Bureau if you’d like to get involved with your local YF&R program.