Women's Leadership Committee Update
by Breanna Berry
GFB Leadership Programs Coordinator
Posted on May 23, 2024 8:36 AM
GFB's Legislative Drive-In prepared participants to advocate for agriculture with their legislators. AFBF Media & Advocacy Trainer Johnna Miller, far right, taught the workshop.GFB President Tom McCall & his wife, Jane, far left, welcomed the group along with Young Farmers & Ranchers Chairman Cleve Jackson, back row third from left, & Women’s Leadership Committee members, kneeling front row from left, Angie Roberts, Jane Wooten, Chairman Stephanie Branch, Missie Petty, Alicia Berry & Lindsey Morgan. /Photo by Breanna Berry
By Breanna Berry
The Georgia Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership and Young Farmers & Ranchers Committees have been busy providing programming to develop leaders and volunteers statewide. For the second year, the committees held a Legislative Drive-In the day before GFB Day at the Capitol. Thirty YF&R and WLC members from across Georgia attended the event on Feb. 12 to prepare participants to discuss ag issues with their state legislators.
American Farm Bureau Federation Senior Director of Media & Advocacy Training Johnna Miller facilitated the Legislative Drive-In workshop. Participants learned how to leverage their social media accounts to increase agricultural awareness among their friends.
GFB President Tom McCall greeted and addressed the group sharing his experience of serving as a state representative and the importance of legislators hearing directly from their constituents. GFB Governmental Affairs Specialist Adam Belflower covered topics that were priority issues for the 2024 legislative session.
WLC and YF&R Drive-In attendees put the training they received into action during GFB Day at the Capitol Feb. 13.
In June, four GFB Women’s Leadership Committee members are heading to Washington, D.C., to attend the AFBF Advocate, Cultivate, Empower (ACE) Summit. This two-day event offers national learning sessions and advocacy training opportunities for Farm Bureau women. The ACE Summit occurs every other year (in even years) to equip and prepare female leaders to engage with lawmakers and to prepare them to be agricultural advocates for years to come.
The GFB WLC is hosting district meetings throughout the summer into fall. These meetings are a perfect opportunity to meet other ladies involved in Farm Bureau in your district for a time of fellowship, learning and a hands-on activity. GFB’s WLC District 6 Chairwoman Jane Wooten hosted a lunch May 9 in Montgomery County. Attendees learned to make wreaths and discussed ideas for county programming. GFB’s WLC District 7 Chairwoman Lauren Stanley hosted farm tours May 30. The group toured Vidalia Apiculture, R&K Greenhouses, Pittman Family Farms with lunch at the Hopkins Farm Pond House.
If you’re interested in attending your district Women’s meeting, reach out to your county office manager to let them know and look for announcements on the Friends of Georgia Farm Bureau Facebook group page.
Georgia Farm Bureau Leadership Programs Coordinator Breanna Berry may be reached at or 478-474-0679, ext. 5232. Contact your county Farm Bureau if you would like to get involved with your local Women’s Leadership Committee.