View from the Field
Posted on May 22, 2021 8:00 PM
By Tom McCall, GFB President
It is exciting that more and more of us can meet face to face after months of keeping safe distances. The chance for us to come together is welcome news, and we are looking forward to seeing additional restrictions lifted in coming months.
This spring, it was good to see many county leaders at the annual presidents’ meetings around the districts. We were able to share the plans being made to hold our annual district meetings in person in September, as well as the GFB annual convention on Jekyll Island in early December.
Like many of you, there’s nothing I enjoy more than spending time with friends and my family. Less restraints will allow us to do a whole lot more together and get out and visit some of our favorite areas and people.
The pandemic and all the precautions taken over the past fourteen months became a driving force for Jane and me to get out and say hello to some mighty good folks that are Farm Bureau members and office employees.
Along the way, producers around the state reminded me how proud I am that Georgia Farm Bureau provides a program that has given so much satisfaction to so many. The Farm Passport has brought families together for lots of great memories during uncertain times.
Many of these farm markets are large, open-air environments and it makes it easy to enjoy the U-Pick operations where you can get food directly from where it is grown - straight to your hands. It also provides excellent family education opportunities about Georgia agriculture and farm life.
Georgia Farm Bureau’s network of certified markets across the state provides consumers the freshest, locally grown products available. This important platform connects consumers directly with agriculture and the people that make it possible. When someone visits one of these markets and engages a local farmer, it’s a special opportunity to learn when, where, and how our food and clothing is produced. It is also a chance for our members to tell others about joining GFB.
Let me take this opportunity to thank the market owners that take part in the program. You did a fantastic job in helping keep families connected in very difficult times.
We hope for an excellent growing season with excellent weather and excellent commodity prices for all our producers this year.
Thank you for allowing us to serve you, our members.