
Make plans to attend Women in Ag Leadership Summit

Posted on August 15, 2023 8:00 PM


Women's Leadership Update


The GFB Women's Leadership Committee (WLC) has held district meetings this summer to bring women in each GFB district together for fellowship and development, like this GFB District 3 meeting at Trillium Vineyards.


By Breanna Berry, Georgia Farm Bureau

The 2nd Annual Women in Ag Summit will be held Nov. 2-3 in Savannah. The Georgia Farm Bureau Women's Leadership Committee (WLC) members hope this conference will become a gathering place each year for all women in agriculture across Georgia. The conference will have an emphasis on personal and professional development through sessions on education/outreach, advocacy, and leadership development.

Conference information is available at county Farm Bureau offices and online at . Registration deadline is Oct. 1. Cost is $100.  

All ladies involved in any aspect of Georgia agriculture are welcome and encouraged to attend this time of growth, networking and development for women in agriculture! 

GFB’s WLC has also started a new Gather and Grow Zoom series. More than 20 attendees joined the first session in April on building and strengthening your county WLC. Sarah Nichols from Newton County was the guest speaker. Nichols discussed her experiences as a county WLC committee chairman and shared helpful tips, ideas for programs, and ways to get people involved. Look for promotion for future sessions to be publicized on GFB social media.

Throughout this summer, GFB District WLC Chairwomen continued to host meetings for the ladies in GFB’s districts to fellowship, learn about GFB programs and agriculture. These meetings were held at a farm or agritourism destination in each district to highlight a unique aspect of agriculture in the area. 

At press time, meetings have been held in GFB Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9.  Attendees have enjoyed touring these venues: Dist. 1- LCCL Strawberry Farm where they picked strawberries; Dist. 2 – Branch Farms on Coleman River. Attendees heard from several speakers on conducting ag lessons; Dist. 3 – Trillium Vineyards and had Ag in the Classroom lessons; Dist. 4 – toured McCorkle Nurseries and Hillcrest Dairy; Dist. 5 – toured Mid-South Packers, Dickey Farms and 3 Lakes Ranch General Store; Dist. 6 – toured Greene Acre Farms and had a lesson on flower arranging from Honey B Flower Farms; Dist. 8 – visited The Station in Pitts and heard from female speakers in ag and arranged flowers from Bub’s Flower Truck; Dist. 9- toured JoNina Farms to learn about growing satsumas. The GFB 10th Dist. is meeting Sept. 13 at Paulk Vineyards.

GFB Leadership Programs Coordinator Breanna Berry may be reached at or 478-474-0679, ext. 5232. Contact your county Farm Bureau to become involved with its Women’s Leadership Committee.