
GFB presents commodity award to Guthrie

Posted on November 20, 2022 7:00 PM

By Jay Stone, Georgia Farm Bureau

Dr. Larry Guthrie is the 2022 Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) Commodity Award recipient. Guthrie, who retired as a professor in the UGA Animal and Dairy Science Program in 1999, has worked to advance dairy science and practices in Georgia for more than 50 years.

The GFB Board of Directors selects the award recipient from nominees submitted by the organizations’ commodity advisory committees. Guthrie was nominated by the GFB Dairy and Beef Committees.

“Dr. Guthrie worked diligently to help Georgia dairy farmers develop protocol to advance into the 21st century,” GFB Dairy Committee Chairman Joel Keith said. “Through his guidance and interest, our industry has made great strides. Plus, he has mentored countless youth in education and leadership through his involvement with 4-H and FFA.”

Guthrie grew up on his family’s livestock farm in Alabama. He earned his bachelor’s degree at McNeese State University in Louisiana, his master’s degree in ruminant nutrition from Auburn University and his Ph.D. in ruminant nutrition from Louisiana State University (LSU). He was recruited to UGA in 1977 as an animal and dairy science professor. 


GFB President Tom McCall presents the 2022 GFB Commodity Award to Dr. Larry Guthrie. / Photo by Logan Thomas

At UGA, Guthrie was responsible for educational programs and outreach to producers through Extension related to cattle nutrition, herd management, rearing replacement heifers, and 4-H dairy youth education. He also conducted research and taught college classes.

In 1997, Guthrie began the Georgia Commercial Dairy Heifer Show, which has introduced more than 6,000 youth, most from non-farm families, to the dairy industry. Students borrow unregistered heifers from local dairies, which they raise and train to show. 

Guthrie and his wife, Rachel, live in Watkinsville and have two children, Dr. Larry Guthrie Jr. and Rochelle Guthrie Edmonds.