
GFB mourns loss of Nora Goodman

by Georgia Farm Bureau

Posted on February 28, 2024 11:05 AM

Nora Goodman, who served as a Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) 3rd District Director since December 2003, died Jan. 9. She was 83.

“We are deeply saddened at the loss of Mrs. Nora, who served GFB and agriculture with dignity and grace,” said GFB President Tom McCall. “She was a constant, welcoming presence at Farm Bureau gatherings and kept a strong commitment to the state’s farmers. She will be missed.”

Goodman, of Temple, had been a GFB member for 45 years. She served as the Paulding County Farm Bureau president since 2003. She served on the GFB Forestry Commodity Advisory Committee for most of her 20 years on the state board, beginning in 2005.

“Nora represented the GFB directors on Farm Bureau’s Forestry Commodity Advisory Committee for many years, and she missed very few of our meetings,” said GFB Forestry Committee Chairman John Mixon.

Goodman was an active member of the Georgia Cattlemen’s and Tri-County Cattlemen’s Associations, was a director of the Georgia Agriculture Land Trust and served as a director of the Paulding County Hospital Authority. 

She was preceded in death by her husband of 30 years, Dr. Jim Goodman, in 2003. The Goodmans ran their cattle farm together. At the time of his death, Dr. Goodman was a GFB 3rd Dist. director and PCFB president. 

Mrs. Goodman was a certified registered nurse anesthetist. She obtained her nursing degree at Georgia Baptist hospital and later attended the Mayo Clinic.                         

Her son, John Achter, died in 2022. She is survived by two sisters, a sister-in-law, seven nieces and nephews, and several great nieces and nephews.