
Georgia Farm Bureau welcomes Lucky

Posted on November 14, 2022 7:00 PM

GFB members attending the Georgia National Fair on Oct. 8 may have met Lucky, the newest member of the Farm Bureau family. A friendly farm dog who loves helping people, Lucky isn’t afraid of hard work and is always ready for action. 

He’s the smiling face and wagging tail of GFB Insurance’s new marketing campaign. If you haven’t seen Lucky’s TV commercial, visit .

“The take-away lesson from Lucky’s commercial is, ‘It’s good to be lucky, but it’s better to have Georgia Farm Bureau Insurance,’” GFB President Tom McCall said. “We want people to know you can’t depend on luck for your insurance needs.”

Some fortunate fairgoers found Lucky stuffed animals hidden around the fairgrounds both weekends of the fair. 

Lucky frisbees and stickers were available at the GFB booth at both the fair and Sunbelt Expo.

Photo by Logan Thomas