Cagle serving on AFBF YF&R Committee
Posted on May 24, 2020 8:00 PM
Cherokee County Farm Bureau member Ben Cagle began serving a two-year term on the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Young Farmers &Ranchers Committee in March. Cagle is one of seven new committee members on the 16-member committee.
Committee members are responsible for planning the YF&R competitive events held during AFBF’s annual convention each January and the Harvest for All food donation program. An individual or couple may serve a committee appointment. National committee members are nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus.
Cagle and his wife, Vicki, chaired the Georgia Farm Bureau YF&R Committee in 2019. The couple has two sons, Clay and Mica. The Cagle family lives on their 72-acre farm where they raise sheep. They also lease an additional 110 acres for their cattle herd. A large aspect of their operation is education-based, opening their farm to school field trips and events.
“Serving on Georgia Farm Bureau’s YF&R Committee gave me the opportunity to grow lifelong friendships. Serving as chair further developed my leadership skills and knowledge of Georgia agriculture,” Cagle said. “Serving on the AFBF YF&R Committee will expand that knowledge on a national scale and connect me with YF&R members across America. I appreciate GFB nominating me to serve.”
Ben is the third generation of his family to be an active GFB member. His grandparents, Albert and the late Bernice Cagle, held various leadership roles in their county and on the state level. His parents, Mark Cagle and Kelly Vickery also served on the GFB YF&R Committee in the 1990s and actively served on the county and state level.
Learn more about Georgia Farm Bureau’s YF&R program at