
GFB News Magazine

Women in Agriculture

Posted on March 5, 2020 12:00 AM

March is Women’s History Month, a time when our country amplifies female voices to honor the past, inform the present and inspire future generations of strong women. We at Farm Bureau believe that women of agriculture are an especially strong breed, and we’re marking the occasion by placing a spotlight on just a few of them.

From farmers to chefs, from C.E.O.’s to silent partners, Georgia Farm Bureau thanks the hardworking women across the state who work tirelessly to feed their families and the growing world as well.

Be on the lookout for these women and other strong women of agriculture in our next issue of Georgia Neighbors!

Casey Cox

Longleaf Ridge Farms


What does agriculture mean to you?

"Agriculture is the core of my past, present, and future - the connecting thread between my heritage and my livelihood. Agriculture is also a community of people working together in the face of significant challenges and risks to produce food, fiber, and fuel for people across the world. Agriculture is the gateway to sustaining life, land, and community."

What does it mean to you to be a female in the agriculture industry?

“Being a woman in agriculture is shining light on the incredible opportunities that exist in our industry, changing perceptions to empower a new generation of women to engage in farming or the multiple industries that support production.”


Phyllis Vickers

Vickers' Farms


What does agriculture mean to you?

“I love farming and working on the farm; it is very rewarding to me. I love seeing the men out harrowing land preparing it to plant the seed and then watch the plants grow. Working with the cows and watching new babies grow is another fascinating part of farming. I am thankful to GOD that I work in Agriculture.”


What do you want people to know about the agriculture industry?

“I want people to understand farmers are the backbone of this country. They work from sunup to sundown, and strive to produce crops to feed, clothe and provide for their families and this nation.”


Kaneisha Miller

EM Farms


What does agriculture mean to you?

“Agriculture equals family in my eyes. From my grandparents providing for their family through agriculture to my FVSU AG family. Everything genuine in my life has been associated with agriculture.”


What does it mean to you to be a female in the agriculture industry?

“I never looked at jobs as a male or female. My parents never taught me this concept, but that is not true for the rest of the world. Since opening my farm, I have noticed most men either do NOT believe I farm, or CANNOT believe I farm. When the truth of the matter is, lots of women are in agriculture. I love that EM is bringing awareness to women in ag. Not for my own benefit but to show young girls that anything is possible no matter who dominates the industry.”

Charlsy Godowns

Georgia Cattleman’s Association


What do you want people to know about agriculture?

“I want the public to know that the US leads the world in agricultural efficiency; for example, we are producing the same amount of beef today with 33% fewer cattle compared to 1977. Sustainability is something that all sectors of Agriculture are well versed in, and our industry is continuously working to find the best practices to grow our food and fiber and take care of the Earth. Farmers and Ranchers really are the original conservationists and environmentalists!”


What does it mean to you to be a female in the agriculture industry?

“Being a part of this industry is exciting, and I’m very thankful that today, every person passionate about Agriculture has a seat at our table. Being a female in the industry, to me, isn’t a bragging right or an accomplishment, it’s normal! If you have a desire and work hard for it, you can accomplish it!”

Caroline Lewallen



What do you want people to know about agriculture?

"This industry is one big extended family. Whether you're the grower, scientist, lobbyist, teacher, trucker, salesman, veterinarian, etc. -- American agriculture is comprised of patriots with true grit that are called to work and serve others daily."


What does it meant to you to be a female in the agriculture industry?

"I find working in agriculture to be a calling from the Lord. I feel extremely blessed to have grown up in this industry and am thankful for those that God chose and continues to put in my path along the way. Sir Isaac Newton once said "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Thanks to my giants - mentors in the Jackson County 4H and FFA programs while growing up, my professors at ABAC, UGA and Texas A&M, ag leaders across Georgia, the Echols family and my parents - I have been surrounded with great wisdom and opportunities to learn, work and serve our beloved ag industry. It is these giants that have inspired me to lead as a female in agriculture, and for that I am grateful. I hope that my small voice for the industry inspires others to take action with where they are with what they have for the better of Georgia and American agriculture."