
GFB News Magazine

I Farm. I Vote. Each vote makes a difference

Posted on September 9, 2020 8:00 PM

By Katie Duvall 

My first opportunity to cast a ballot in an election was my freshman year in college. It was a presidential election, so, bulletin boards across UGA’s campus and at football tailgates were plastered with candidate stickers and political propaganda. Athens’ streets

adorned with yard signs promoting candidates.

I left the polling booth that crisp November morning wearing my Georgia peach “I Voted” sticker with pride. On election night, I stayed up with the rest of America to see who won.

After the election, I returned to my old self:  uninspired and uninvested in politics until the next election rolled around. Back then, I didn’t fully grasp the significance of voting and how instrumental a role the names on the ballot would play in my future.

Until I began working in policy, I never truly comprehended the significance of voting  and the impact my one vote could have on an election and my family’s livelihood - agriculture.

Jones  County dairy producer Judd Chambers understands the importance of voting.

Photo by Payton Butler

Until I began working in policy, I never truly comprehended the significance of voting  and the impact my one vote could have on an election and my family’s livelihood - agriculture.

In 2018, Georgia Farm Bureau’s I Farm. I Vote. campaign showed me that when many individual votes come together, big results can happen.

2020 is an important election year. This November, Georgians  will elect the president of the United States, two U.S. senators, 14 U.S. representatives and 236 state legislators. Georgia’s elected officials shape state and federal appropriations, decide which bills pass the legislature, and determine the health and well-being of our state, particularly agriculture.

Peach County cattle & row crop farmer Jade Brown encourages farmers to vote.

Photo by Payton Butler

As we enter full speed into the last leg of this election cycle, Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) needs your help. We are encouraging our members to engage in the I Farm. I Vote. campaign. 

This initiative was created to encourage GFB members and Georgia’s agricultural community to engage in the electoral process.

Centered around voter registration, candidate education, and encouraging Georgians to vote, the campaign targets not only Georgia farmers but every citizen impacted by agriculture - the state’s No. 1 industry.

Farm  Bureau’s large membership can significantly impact  the  outcome of  these elections  if we are  actively involved so our collective voices are heard.

Georgia  Farm Bureau is offering resources to help you make the most informed decision possible when you vote. On our I Farm. I Vote. website -  - you will find an interactive Election Guide that highlights all of the races on November’s ballot.

Please visit this guide to learn the candidates’ positions on issues important to Georgia agriculture. The website can also  help ensure you’re registered to vote, locate your polling place, and find key dates/deadlines for this year’s elections.

As farmers, you have the unique opportunity to serve as a resource to friends and family who may not be as well-versed in issues affecting agriculture. We hope our website, and the I Farm. I Vote. campaign will be a valuable asset in casting your  ballot. As you head to the polls this fall, take pride in the impact that your vote and others like it can have on the future of Georgia agriculture.  

Visit to learn candidates’ position on issues, register  to vote and locate your polling  place.  

Katie Duvall is the Georgia Farm Bureau  Advocacy & Policy Development Coordinator. She may be  reached at  or 478-474-0679, ext. 5217.