Ag News
NCC offers contamination prevention training video
Posted on Sep 01, 2020 at 20:00 PM
With harvest season approaching, the National Cotton Councile (NCC) has made a series of short videos about cotton contamination prevention as an educational tool for growers.
The NCC-produced series, "Prevention of Plastic Contamination," is intended as an educational tool for producers and ginners to use to improve their understanding and implementation of best management practices that prevent plastic contamination of seed cotton and baled cotton lint during harvesting and ginning.
The videos are divided into several short chapters, providing a step-by-step overview of contamination prevention from the field to the gin allowing for ease in training harvest crew, gin crew, module truck drivers and others individually. The videos are available at
These videos are among multiple contamination prevention resources provided on the NCC's "Contamination-Free Cotton" web page at The page features two recently added plastic contamination prevention documents -- "Recommendations and Best Handling Practices For Tama Blue Value Round Module Wrap" and Cotton Incorporated's new “Prevention of Plastic Contamination When Handling Cotton Modules.”
The Georgia Cotton Commission also offers a collection of contamination prevention resources at
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