
Ag News

Georgia Vet Loan Repayment program taking applications until Aug. 1

by Georgia Department of Agriculture

Posted on Jun 14, 2022 at 20:00 PM

The Georgia Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program (GVELRP or Program) is accepting applications for funding for FY2021 through Aug. 1. The GVELRP provides financial relief, by way of student loan purchases, for veterinarians willing to provide veterinary services for food animals in areas of Georgia that need livestock veterinarians. 

GVELRP is administered by the State Veterinary Education (SVE) Board with assistance from the Georgia Student Finance Authority (GSFA). The Board also receives administrative support from the Georgia Department of Agriculture.

The 2022 Georgia General Assembly appropriated state funds totaling $90,000 to GSFA for the board to carry out its purpose. These funds became available to the SVE effective July 1 and will remain with GSFA until the terms of the first contracts awarded have been met, at which time the SVE Board will instruct GSFA to make payments of up to $18,000 on the outstanding student loan debt of the contracted veterinarian. GVELRP awards are subject to appropriation each year by the legislature.

The SVE Board may enter into contracts with up to five eligible applicants. Award amounts are capped at $18,000 per 12 months of service. Each GVELRP participant is required to reapply to the program after their first contract is completed, and no participant may receive more than $80,000 in total assistance.

Preference may be given to previous participants in GVELRP, provided that they continue to demonstrate their commitment to practicing food animal veterinary medicine in the area of need they serve.

Applicants must be citizens of the United States or have a lawful presence in the country. Only veterinarians who are Georgia residents will be considered. Eligible candidates can be either practicing veterinarians or veterinary students in their final year of study.

The application and supporting documents can be found here. (

Each applicant is required to submit a completed application form and the appropriate reference documents to the SVE Board by no later than Aug. 1.

The final candidates and their awards will be announced by Aug. 30.  Participants who receive the awards will be required to enter into a contract with the Board in order to receive their awards. If chosen to participate in the program, applicants will also be required to submit a lender verification form to GSFC.

Each contract between the SVE Board and the participant will be for a 12-month period to be defined by the contract. During this time, the participant is expected to devote at least 20 hours per week to providing food animal veterinary services in the area of need that they applied for. 

Completed applications can be returned via email to or mailed to:

Georgia Department of Agriculture

Attn:  Bo Warren

19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. SW Suite 210

Atlanta, GA 30334

Inquiries about the program can be made to Bo Warren at

For more information, including complete application instructions and eligibility requirements, visit

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