
Ag News

Georgia Department of Agriculture still accepting GATE renewals

by Georgia Farm Bureau

Posted on Jan 10, 2018 at 19:00 PM

Farmers seeking to renew their Georgia Agricultural Tax Exemption (GATE) cards for 2018 have until Jan. 15 to do so without any lapse in eligibility, according to information released by the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the Georgia Department of Revenue.

Georgia Farm Bureau has prioritized the continuation of the GATE program and is encouraging GATE card holders to use the exemption appropriately.

“We must continue to be good stewards and work to protect the integrity of GATE,” said GFB President Gerald Long.  “It is vitally important to understand the qualifications for obtaining a GATE Card, and it is equally important to follow the law when using the card for specified purchases.”

It is the card holder’s responsibility to understand and follow all rules and regulations governing the program. Visit for a quick reference guide of qualified uses of the GATE card.

Additionally, the Georgia Department of Agriculture and Georgia Department of Revenue have staff dedicated to the review and evaluation of GATE program participants. If you have any questions about the program or qualified uses, please contact the Department of Agriculture at 1-855-FARM TAX (327-6829) or by email at  To report fraud or abuse contact the Georgia Department of Revenue at 1-877-423-6711.

The original GATE renewal deadline was Jan. 1. It was extended because of delays stemming from what the two departments referred to as a “cyber event” that occurred in December, when the Department of Agriculture encountered computer network problems that shut down access to the GATE card renewal system. The issue has been resolved, the departments said, and the system has resumed operation. To apply for renewals or new GATE cards visit

According to the statement, GATE card renewal applications are being given priority over applications for new GATE cards.

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