
Ag News

AM radio critical for rural Georgians

by Kenny Burgamy

Posted on Jun 27, 2024 at 3:16 AM

Rural Georgians know the significance of AM radio in their lives, especially in times of emergency.

As Emily Buckman, American Farm Bureau Federation’s Director of Government Affairs said in a recent interview, “AM radio is important for rural America because farmers, ranchers and rural residents rely on it as a source of weather, commodity, and national farm policy updates.”

AM radio is a lifeline for many individuals, particularly those living in rural areas with limited access to reliable internet or cell phone coverage.

Radio is still available when power goes out and cell towers go offline. Millions of rural Americans still lack broadband service, rural and agricultural programming through AM radio helps keep rural residents apprised of news that may impact their businesses, health care, education, and family.

Without legislative action, though, radio consumers’ favorite, reliable and local AM radio station could soon be more difficult to receive.

Some U.S. automobile manufacturers have indicated they’d like to remove AM radio from new electric vehicles because of what the companies’ engineers claim would be interference generated by electric batteries.

There is concern among AM broadcast operators that other vehicle manufacturers would use this as a catalyst to eliminate the AM band in all future vehicle production, regardless of make or model.

A legislative intervention would not be without precedent on broadcast matters.

It was by legislative measures that Congress first directed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate all broadcasting.

If one reads the FCC website (, they will see the prerequisites for obtaining a valid license to operate a broadcast station using the public airwaves; “each radio and television licensee is required by law to operate its station in the public interest, convenience and necessity.”

Since broadcasters are required to operate in the public interest and provide programming that is responsive to the needs and concerns of any given community, Georgia’s broadcasters need the AM band to produce such programming.  Consumers must have access to the AM band in their vehicles, homes, and workplaces so they can receive such programming.

Because Georgia Farm Bureau produces daily radio updates for stations across the state, it is vital to us that all Georgians understand the urgency to ask your lawmakers today to support and advance the AM for Every Vehicle Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

To let your representative know you support AM radio, visit .

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