
Ag News

National Farm Safety and Health Week is Sept. 19-25

by National Education Center for Agricultural Safety

Posted on Sep 14, 2021 at 20:00 PM

The 2019 data for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the agricultural sector is still the most dangerous in America with 573 fatalities that year, or an equivalent of 23.1 deaths per 100,000 workers.

Fall harvest time can be one of the busiest and most dangerous seasons of the year for the agriculture industry. For this reason, the third week of September has been recognized as National Farm Safety and Health Week. This annual promotion initiated by the National Safety Council has been proclaimed as such by each sitting U.S. president since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. National Farm Safety and Health Week is led by the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS), the agricultural partner of the National Safety Council.

Each day during National Farm Safety & Health Week, AgriSafe will host two FREE webinars related to the daily topic of focus. A free AgriSafe account is required to access the webinars. Google Chrome is the recommended browser.

The webinar schedule:

Sept. 20

1 p.m. - What’s New in Tractor and Agricultural Vehicle Safety

3 p.m. - Rural Road Safety: A Shared Responsibility

Sept. 21

1 p.m. - A Look at Stress and Mental Health During COVID-19 and the Impacts on Farmers and Other Sectors – Continuing Education in multiple disciplines available!

3 p.m. - Food in the Field

Sept. 22

1 p.m. - Developing and Implementing a Pilot Agricultural Community Suicide Prevention Program for Farmers and Farm Families

3 p.m. - Pediatric Farm-Related Injuries: Safeguarding Children Who Visit or Live on Farms

Sept. 23

1 p.m. - Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers

3 p.m. - Best Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Protect Your Lungs

Sept. 24

1 p.m. - Stepping Boldly into Tough Conversations – Continuing Education in multiple disciplines available!

3 p.m. - Zoonotic Disease and Pregnancy: A Deeper Dive

The Grain Handling Safety Coalition (GHSC) will also host daily webinars on harvest safety, moderated by Barb Grove, Grain Elevator & Processing Society (GEAPS) international president. To register, click here. (

The harvest safety webinar schedule:

Sept. 20, 11 a.m. - Get Ready for Harvest - Machine Guarding & LOTO

This refresher on machine guarding basics will help ensure your equipment is ready for harvest activities and properly guarded. It will also discuss Lock Out/Tag Out and its importance when working around equipment including the equipment used to harvest and move grain.

Sept. 21, 11 a.m. - Personal Safety During Harvest

When the last line or ONLY line of defense is a person's actions or personal protective equipment (PPE) what should they know? This interactive presentation will demonstrate and discuss some of these situations including recent innovations in PPE, from head to toe, and describe how each innovation breaks down a barrier for the use and usability of PPE.

Sept. 22, 11 a.m. - Grain Handling Hazards - Protecting Young & Inexperienced Workers & Those They Learn From

Does the risk of injury/fatality while performing grain handling tasks differ between young and/or inexperienced workers and those who teach them? This session discusses findings regarding grain handling risks and focuses on the types of hazards posed to workers.

Sept. 23, 11 a.m. - Agricultural Confined Spaces

Farms and commercial grain facilities have a variety of confined spaces where essential work tasks are performed. If not correctly identified, these spaces can be especially perilous to workers unfamiliar with the hazards they pose. Join Dr. Aaron Yoder as he discusses what to look for and what safety practices are a "must" to protect yourself and others at the worksite.

Sept. 24, 11 a.m. - Protect Your Investment - Storing Grain for Quality and Safety

Storing quality grain begins before it comes out of the field. From harvesting equipment, storage structures, grain drying and aeration, this session discusses techniques and tips that improve storage quality, reduce future safety risks, and protect your profits.

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